
Well. Ya see it's like this.

Dinosaurs, why did they die out?
Well. There are lots of theories.
Now, I'm not convinced they all died out a long time ago.
Some were a lot smarter and managed to survive right through all the disasters and things.
You know. Alligators, Crocodiles, birds of prey adapted, Triceratops and some sea creatures.
"Haahh", I hear you mumble, Alligators, "Expensive, but worth it."
So, Triceratops, an unusual survivor, you may say.
Not really. They managed to find a new niche in the survival plan.
You see, it's all about size.
If you believe what geologists say then they are big, but it’s about the unit of measurement.
If you use inches, feet or yards then they are big. But if you use millimeters they are smaller.
Coz millimeters are small. So, I think they were never very big, being based on the metric system and millimeters.
Thus they managed to hide away in kitchen drawers, sideboards and cupboards with no difficulty. Until they became, well, an important part of our lives.
OK. There are a few people who have been to the odd museum and seen some replica dinosaurs made up of bones dug up. But you must admit, not convincing.
So. Ya see. They adapted. Got smaller and became bottle openers. We all have one in the kitchen.
A perfect place to survive, lots of food and drink. Also they only get used as bottle openers at Christmas and special occasions. So a pretty neat life.
Sadly, they are about to become truly extinct.
The invention of the screw top wine bottle may see the end of the Triceratops as we know it.
Although I have never had much luck at removing the cork from a wine bottle, with a bottle opener.

Ah well. Back to the Tortoise nose flute.

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